Ambedkar Samaj Kalyan Sabha, Karnal is formed on the initiative of Sh. Amar Singh Patlan its Founder President. Sh. Amar Singh Patlan with the help of Sh. Amar Singh Ranga, Sh. Sudarshan Patlan, Sh, Sawarn Singh Bhanger, Sh. Janardhan Ranga, Sh. Des Raj Dounkal, Sh. Amrit Lal Bisyer, Late Sh. Bhag Ram Dounkal and Late Sh. Pawan Kumar Porria etc. Formed this Sabha on 26-8-2001 after organizing the meeting at 1891 Sector-7, Karnal. This Sabha was Registered on 15-10-2001. The first aim of the Sabha was to take a piece of land for construction of Ambedkar Bhawan. Our main aim is to built a Ambedkar Bhawan where people of our poor society may get together to discuss the current affairs and problems of the society and try our best to solve that. Our aim is to follow the teachings of Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar "To Educate, Be organize and to Agitate." Our aim is to built Sabhaghar, Library, Coaching center, Training Center, Hostel in Ambedkar Bhawan for Rural poor students so that they live without discrimination and fear .
Our aim is to follow the teachings of Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar so that young generation of the society prepare to devote themselves for the welfare of poor people. Our main aim is to fulfill the dream of Dr. Ambedkar of Equality, Fraternity and Liberty in Society.