
Head office of sabha is situated at Plot No. 5, Ambedkar Bhawan, Sector-16, Karnal(Haryana) India. Jurisdiction of Sabha is all Haryana and Sabha can open its unit in any village or city in the State.

Life Membership

  • 1. Only SC educated citizens who attains 18 years of age
  • 2. Life membership fees is Rs. 5000/- through cheques, Draft, RTGS etc.


After every 3 years.

Election will be held for the post of President only. The candidate for president should be highly educated, well known about life and teachings of Baba Saheb Ambedkar and having good social reputation. The candidate should work atleast 5 years in Sabha with good social work record. The president will select all the other office bearers and executive members. There will be 10 office bearers and 10 Executive members.
All the funds of Sabha will be kept in bank A/C of Sabha and A/C will be operated by President and Cashier Jointly.

Registration of Sabha

The Ambedkar Samaj Kalyan Sabha was registered on 15-10-2001 under society act. 1860. The Registration No. is 1867.

Founder President

Amar Singh Patlan, M.A Political Science, Manager Retired from bank on 31-10-2017.

H.No. 1891 Sector-7, Karnal


Sabha obtained a piece of land 2000 Yards in sector-16 karnal from govt. The cost of land under charitable society is Rs. 54 Lacs. Sabha got possession of the land, after payment of 25% of total cost of Land. Ambedkar Bhawan is located in the centre of Delhi and Chandigarh.

Bank Details

Bank: The Karnal Central Co-op. Bank Ltd., Mall Road, Karnal


A/C No.: 002134001002642

Account Name: Ambedkar Samaj Kalyan Sabha Karnal

Bank: Punjab National Bank, Sector-7, Karnal

IFSC Code: PUNB0400100

A/C No.: 4001000100237534